예술가로서 이지영 (금벌레)은 거주의 개념과 인류가 사물, 공간, 이미지 등의 물질성에 의미를 부여하는 방식에 주목하고 있다. 이 연장선에서 1980년 광주에서 발생하였던 5·18민중항쟁의 물질문화 및 다양한 형태의 기념의 실천에 관심을 두고 기획과 연구를 하고 있다.
금벌레는 Pavilhão Branco︎︎︎ (Municipal Galleries, Lisbon)에서 개최된 전시 Strange Attractor, 2021-22에 참여하였다. 2021년에는 5·18 재판 관련 전시 법 앞에서를 공동 기획하였고, 전남대학교 5·18연구소에서 객원 연구원으로 일하였으며, 책 POST 5·18의 저자로 참여하였다.
selected work
단일하고 연속적인 풍경, 2015
Debris of demolished house, porcelain replica
© Youngtae Kim
밤의 연금술, 2015
Light, curtain, mirror, machine structure, two porcelain replicas of debris of demolished house, humidity, damp smell, dust, cobweb, small insects, feces
© Youngtae Kim
가공되지 않은, 결점, 미신, 나태, 불확정, 2021
Hair of various people, Mongolian horse hair, water, clay, mold, rice, spoon, shaman's table for rice fortunetelling, baked rice bowls, soil from various sites, stones from various sites, porcelain replica of demolished house debris, clay sculptures crafted by water, cotton-stuffed winter blanket from artist’s grandmother, body fluid, human nails, cat nails, cat fur, nibbled leaves, mechanical devices, wooden structures, chopsticks, bronze bowls, gold pigment powder, ground mixture with the artist’s father’s dead tissue and hair, urinal container, plastic bags, mushrooms, water sprinkler, spray paint, acrylic pipe, crystals, beads, a ring that someone lost, poem
© Bruno Lopes
법 앞에서, 2021
Exhibition and workshop co-curating
Special exhibition for the 10th anniversary of the UNESCO Memory of the World registration of the May 18 archives (Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives for the May 18th Democratic Uprising against the Military Regime, in Gwangju, Republic of Korea)
This exhibition was created with people who participated in the May 18th people’s uprising, and those imprisoned and tried in court under the military regime. It contains their trial records and interviews. Two products were created through workshops: one book, written by a participant, about his older brother who was a civilian militiaman and who committed suicide after his release from prison; and another being a five-episode podcast about a lady who did a street broadcast during the uprising.
Courtesy of the curator.

Debris of demolished house, porcelain replica
© Youngtae Kim
밤의 연금술, 2015

Light, curtain, mirror, machine structure, two porcelain replicas of debris of demolished house, humidity, damp smell, dust, cobweb, small insects, feces
© Youngtae Kim
가공되지 않은, 결점, 미신, 나태, 불확정, 2021

Hair of various people, Mongolian horse hair, water, clay, mold, rice, spoon, shaman's table for rice fortunetelling, baked rice bowls, soil from various sites, stones from various sites, porcelain replica of demolished house debris, clay sculptures crafted by water, cotton-stuffed winter blanket from artist’s grandmother, body fluid, human nails, cat nails, cat fur, nibbled leaves, mechanical devices, wooden structures, chopsticks, bronze bowls, gold pigment powder, ground mixture with the artist’s father’s dead tissue and hair, urinal container, plastic bags, mushrooms, water sprinkler, spray paint, acrylic pipe, crystals, beads, a ring that someone lost, poem
© Bruno Lopes
법 앞에서, 2021

Exhibition and workshop co-curating
Special exhibition for the 10th anniversary of the UNESCO Memory of the World registration of the May 18 archives (Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives for the May 18th Democratic Uprising against the Military Regime, in Gwangju, Republic of Korea)
This exhibition was created with people who participated in the May 18th people’s uprising, and those imprisoned and tried in court under the military regime. It contains their trial records and interviews. Two products were created through workshops: one book, written by a participant, about his older brother who was a civilian militiaman and who committed suicide after his release from prison; and another being a five-episode podcast about a lady who did a street broadcast during the uprising.
Courtesy of the curator.